
The Durres Bible Church is a church planted from the Tirana Bible Baptist Church (Pastor Jeff Bartell). Sazan Hoxhaj was sent as a missionary to serve in Durres officially in 2004.

Pastor Sazan


These are the ministries of the Durres Bible Church over the last 19 years.


  • The city of Durres – the city has a population of 200,000 people of which it is estimated that only 0.5% are saved. The city is our main area of evangelism targeting all ages.

  • The outskirts of Durres – Durres has two main population centers outside the city limits: Kenetë and Spitallë where we have evangelized faithfully for the entire time we have been here. We are presently working in Spitallë.

  • The villages surrounding Durres – God has allowed us to evangelize one-third of the villages in Durres County which has a total of 63 villages. The strategy we have used is door-to-door evangelism sharing the good news of the gospel.

  • Partnerships – we work together with other churches outside of Durres in the north of Albania and Kosovo in summer camps for various groups of young people.


Our discipleship goal is the spiritual growth of born-again believers. The steps of discipleship in the Durres Bible Church are as follows:

  1. Personal discipleship – one-on-one mentorship which lasts about one year.

  2. Ministry training – classroom training which lasts two years.

  3. Leadership training – this higher level of training is currently being developed.


The Durres Bible Church has 7 main areas of ministry service where the members are matured through the application of God’s word and exercising their spiritual gifts. The focus of these ministries is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

  1. Children’s ministry

  2. Youth ministry

  3. College student ministry

  4. Married couple’s ministry

  5. Men’s ministry

  6. Women’s ministry

  7. Spitallë outreach – working with children, youth and adults


  1. Mexico

  2. Zambia

  3. Turkey

  4. 2 church plants in other cities of Albania


We have a 3-fold vision for our church:

The next generation in Durres – Our vision is evangelism, discipleship and training of the next generation with the goal that they would shine as lights that God has placed in our city. This consist of three primary steps:

  • Win them with the gospel

  • Disciple those that are won

  • Send them out to their individual areas of influence

Partnerships in missions – Our vision is to win people from every kindred, people, tongue and nation by partnering with national missionaries on 4 different continents:

  • North America

  • Europe

  • Africa

  • Asia

Church reproduction – Our vision is to send missionaries from the Durres Bible Church (trusting the Lord will call people from our midst) to reproduce churches that glorify the Lord. This also has a 3-fold application:

  • Durres and the rest of Albania

  • The diaspora – reaching ethnic Albanians located in Italy, Greece, Kosovo and Macedonia.

  • Outside of Albania – the uttermost parts of the earth


Prayer – we desire God’s power in all the ministries that we do. We value all the prayer support given on our behalf from all over the world.

Financial support:

  • Spitallë outreach – we need help covering the cost of the rent for the facility where we host our Spitallë outreach events and Bible studies. We have been working in this area for about 2 years. Our vision is to move to a larger facility. We would greatly value any financial help in this area.

  • Special events – we need help covering the costs of annual camps, conferences, and leadership events.

  • Church planting – We desire to eventually be able to send a team of people from our church to another city in Albania to begin a new church
