Pastor Norbert Nebiu

Tirana - Kinostudio


The ministry of the Tirana Biblical Baptist Church (KBBT) in the Kinostudio area began in the early 2000 years, when God used many believers from this church in serving to children with evangelization and weekly activities. A good part of the children who were saved during those years joined KBBT. After several years of continuous work, the service at Kinostudio was interrupted.

In the beginning of 2022, while sharing messages from the church in Antioch, Norbert Nebiu, one of the KBBT pastors, received a call from God to work on the starting a new church in another area of Tirana. The same wish was shared by Anila, Norbert’s wife. Anila and Norbert have served with KBBT since the mid-1990s. They have three children. To Norbert and Anila’s decision to serve God with the opening of a new church were joined Lorenc and Egla Cekiçi, Lorenc being one of the deacons of KBBT. Other faithful believers from KBBT joined the ministry as it was launched, being a great and sustainable support to the work of the Lord.

From the beginning of the ministry the Lord has blessed the service, directing us first to rent a proper space in Kinostudio, and further, by drawing people to Sunday and evangelical services. A few months after the start of Sunday services, children’s service began on Saturday mornings.


Our desire is to proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ in Kinostudio and its surroundings, being a light of God to the lost souls. Kinostudio is a developing area, and its population is expected to grow rapidly. 


We appreciate it if you would pray for God's service in Kinostudio, Tirana. Thank you!  


Some of the requirements you may consider are as follows: 

  • Open hearts in the community, where most are of Muslim conviction, 

  • Service with children and young people  

  • God's direction to reach the lost  

  • God's grace and protection over believers and their families 

  • Fruits that endure and participate in God's mission for the lost

Celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Tirana Kinostudio church!


We had a blessed time this weekend. First, in the Saturday children's service 4 children, who have not attended for quite some time, came again. It was great joy for us to see them show up.


On Sunday we had full participation from our people and many guests, too.  Among the participants, we had several high school students who ccome at the weekend math and literature classes. In the end, after the call to testify if someone decided to trust the Lord, a high school girl and a colleague of Ina raised their hands. We are grateful to God for His goodness and the faithfulness of the believers in participating and attracting people to hear the gospel. Thank you for your prayers!


Requests for the following month:


• Children's service on Saturdays, saving and raising children in faith. The parents of the children who come to the ministry, to be saved.

• The health of the families of the believers of the church and the salvation of their relatives.

• Our walk of faith, fruit in personal and organized evangelization, direction from the Lord for each of us.

• Service with High School students. Pray that God will work in their hearts as we try to evangelize them.

• We have a large space on the ground floor (used as a restaurant) with an attached kitchen. Landlord allows us to rent it for an acceptable price. Pray for guidance from God if perhaps we can use it for social services (after school, etc)

• Preparations for the children's camp that we will do in June (time, place, collaborators)

• Prayer for those who have heard the gospel in the last services or have made a decision to believe. Let's follow them and make them want to hear from the Bible again.